Matt Roberts 

Administrative Pastor

In the sharing of the lead Pastor duties of Calvary, Matt focuses on the outreach from the church and administration of the church. He has a passion for carefully and contextually unpacking the truths of scripture. He has served as a youth leader, evangelist, revival speaker, and several other roles inside of various churches during his ministry. Matt has a Bachelors in Pastoral Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary and is currently enrolled in a Masters program focusing on Biblical Counseling and Church History.

Matt uses his past history to minister to the most broken of people in a way that few can and God has used that history lead Calvary in the direction of broken people. He has a son named Luca and loves to cook in his spare time and ride his motorcycle when he can.

Rob Nessler

Discipleship Pastor

Pastor Rob shares lead pastor duties with Pastor Matt and focuses heavily on discipleship and spiritual growth at Calvary. He and his family moved to Cincinnati in August of 2022 after accepting the call to serve at Mt. Repose Church as Senior Pastor having spent 2 1/2 years as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Bevier, MO and 4 years as Worship Pastor for Trinity Baptist Church in Aurora, CO. Pastor Rob and his wife Eleia have been married for nearly 24 years and have 2 daughters – Kahlan age 21 and Arianna age 16. Kahlan is a senior at Hannibal LaGrange University in Missouri as a Theater and English double major and was recently married to Andrew Cole in May of 2024. Arianna is a senior in high school and is homeschooled. Eleia works as a special education paraprofessional for Clermont County Schools. Pastor Rob comes from a government IT background, and currently works in IT for Answers In Genesis Ministries at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY.

Pastor Rob has a Masters degree in Theology and is currently working on his Theology Doctorate (ThD) at Gateway Theological Seminary. He plays drums and guitar and helps out with worship whenever possible. In his spare time, he is an avid collector of baseball  and F1 cards, loves motorcycles, and has a not-so-mild obsession with Formula 1 racing.

Josh Robertson

Pastoral Elder

Josh served as Associate Pastor for Mt. Repose Church for years, and continues as Pastoral Elder within the newly combined Calvary Church.  You may find Josh doing basically anything around the church – from setting up chairs to vacuuming the floor to preaching from the pulpit – Josh does it all. He and his wife Laquita met at the end of 1999 and were married in 2005.  They joined Mt. Repose in 2009 and felt that God led them straight there – continuing on now that Mt. Repose and Calvary have become one body.

Josh felt the call into ministry early in his teen years, but took a bit longer to answer that call. He has a different set of life experiences than most who are in a pastoral positions.  He completed the Pastoral Internship Program through Mt. Repose Church, and feels blessed to have been given a different perspective on life that God is using to His Glory.  He has a full time job outside of the Church as a manufacturing supervisor.

Greg Boyd

Pastoral Elder